Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Let him be warned that when this hug happened later, Bryony was likely to give him a true and proper ‘squish’ in real Bry fashion. It wouldn’t be long and dragged out, as some of her hugs could be but simply enough to show him that she cared deeply for him, always and that all was well between them. Couldn’t help it, always gets herself all up in her head whenever she thinks that she upset Ary. Is already feeling better though knowing that he’s not actually upset or angry with her. And with their truly sincere apology to their professor out of the way she was able to focus better on the tasks at hand.
Being watched didn’t at all bother Bry. This was a normal thing for them whenever Ary was helping her with anything so she thought nothing at all of it. Perhaps if she wasn’t paying such close attention to what she was doing she may have noticed that how he was looking at her was a bit different than usual, but luckily for him she was very focused on practicing. ”With your help. That’s how I did it. If he hadn't explained it to her she would’ve continued to pronounce it wrong. They both were going to do great and get to keep the prize! ”Togethers,” The young snakette repeated, a little smile on her face now. Bry reached over to open the box that was sitting on the floor beside her desk and peered down inside it. ”Oh, my gosh! Aren’t you the cutest most sweetest little one! I gots to be able to keeps you!” She had to make sure she got both charms to work for her today! She HAD to!
Nod nod. ”Uh-huh! I’m ready.” She did everything she knew she was supposed to do. Clear her mind. Focus on the charm. Make sure she had the pronunciation correction and the wand movement. ”Three, two, one… Plumavis!” Bry spoke clearly and confidently as she moved her wand in the tilde shape as practiced, aimed at the stuffie in the box. ”Countdown agains? Three, two, one… Wingardium Leviosa!” And this was where her charm casting faltered a little bit. At first nothing at all happened, not a thing. So without getting frustrated or upset, she tried once again casting BOTH charms and this time… very very slowly and with quite a bit of wobbling and swaying back and forth the stuffed toy rose upwards a few feet trying to make its way onto her desk.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |