Hope tried to follow the logic of all that Professor Feirgrund said. It was hard, because she wasn't in the mood to concentrate today, but the idea of getting a prize was appealing. Then she just had to try the Levitation spell on the box, to see if the professor was right and if it really was difficult to make it float. "Wingardium Leviosa!" she said, swishing and flicking her wand confidently. And sure enough, the box began to slowly rise. But also sure enough, it was very slow indeed, and began wobbling alarmingly as it rose to the level of her desk. So Hope returned it to the floor. It was indeed heavier than it looked.
All right, so now to try this new charm. "Plumavis!" Hope chanted, moving her wand in the little tilde with care over the box. Then she sat and looked at it for a few minutes. It didn't look any different. "I suppose the best way to test it is to levitate it again," she said to herself, talking out loud without even realizing it. She raised her wand and repeated the Levitation Charm, and the box almost shot into the air this time. Hope was afraid for a few minutes it would hit the ceiling, and was desperately trying to remember how to counteract Wingardium Leviosa when the box slowed in its ascent and then began to float gently downward until it landed with a soft bump on her desk. |