~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Pheebs! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Phoebe.... didn't understand why Professor Khanna was telling her about- oh yeah. Right. She was 'looking for clubs'. "Um... Um... I don't know if I'd be good at dueling. I might freeze and get hurt and have to go to the hospital wing again. I'd rather be part of a club that isn't scary. Like art club or reading club." Truthfully, Phoebe hadn't tried out for a single club. She wasn't really a Hogwarts People Person and she didn't have a lot of friends, and she was afraid that nobody in the clubs would like her. Not that she had checked...
How come Professor Khanna made her say all that stuff about clubs when they knew the whole time that she was making things up? Phoebe sighed heavily, then showed them the flyers that she made. "I thought we weren't allowed to put up flyers," she mumbled. "And I didn't want you to put me in detention." Besides... it was sort of personal. She didn't want everybody and their mom to know all of her business, especially Intimidating Professors Who Were Being Awfully Nice Now That They Weren't Swapped With Evil Clones. She sighed heavily. "I'm sort of looking for my friend Aaliyah. We used to live with the same family but I haven't seen her in a long time." She handed the papers over so Professor Khanna could see and hopefully help her put them up.
Dhruv chuckled; they could not help it because… how many times had they heard those words, albeit in different ways? They always used the opportunity to gently nudge the reluctant student in the right direction. “All the more reason for you to join the club, don’t you think, Ms. Calypso? I can guarantee that you’ll see an improvement to not only your spell casting and magical defensive skills, but also your confidence.” There was nothing wrong with playing it safe with Art Club and Reading Club, of course. “You’ll at least think about joining?’’ Dhruv added gently.
Put her in det- oh.
Their face fell slightly but it was quickly hitched up, keeping a slightly forced smile in place. Ouch. It hurt to be reminded that they were a meanie last year. “I wouldn’t throw you into detention for that. I’d have a stern talk to you if the posters were inappropriate but that’s about it.” Accepting the poster from Phoebe, Dhruv looked it over, registering the information there. “That’s… sad.” They felt the Hufflepuff’s pain and immediately wanted to help. “Is she the same age as you? If not, do you know her age, exact or approximate?” |