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 Alley Proprietor Mooncalf
Join Date: May 2003 Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt Games & Sports Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach International Cooperation Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre Gringotts Wizarding Bank x8 x7
| A1: • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • SPOILER!!: replies xD Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Phoebe stopped trying to open the box and raised her hand to answer the question. Because she was still unusually small and not very strong, she felt like an expert in this question. "I can't pick up a piano! Or a big box. Or even more than a few books at a time, really. So usually I need somebody else's help to carry things." She hated needing help, though, and was eager to learn how to carry things with her wand, which seemed easier than waiting for her growth spurt. But they weren't learning levitation, they were learning lightening. "Professor, I wouldn't be ale to pick up a piano even if we put the feather light charm on it. It would be too bulky to hold. What should I do in that case?" That seemed like a big problem unless she had someone to help, which was a problem because she liked to do things herself! "That is true, a piano would be difficult to keep in anyone's arms. But with the feather-light charm it would be easy to push and slide across a flat surface without a wand." Feirgrund suggested. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bumblebee Oooh! A feather-light charm would definitely be resourceful for any wizard, lean or strong!
Etta thought carefully about the question and it seemed like there were no right or wrong answers. There were many things that could be heavy for the average person the carry without a wand.
Thinking practically, on average she could lift about 10-15 pounds on her own and 20-25 at its heaviest with assistance. Raising her hand she answered, ”A bookshelf.” Whether large or small shelves, they packed their weight. "Correct, a bookshelf would be too much to lift alone even without books," Feirgrund nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Oh good. The professor hadn't noticed her feeble attempts at peering into the box. Although perhaps it was because she hadn't actually seen anything. She glanced up though when Emmie asked her about the box, looking like a deer in headlights even though she hadn't seen anything and nothing jumped out at her. What was in there, she had no idea and she was about to say as such, when Professor Feirgrund was starting the lesson.
Well this would actually be a useful charm to know. "A Hogwart Student's trunk," she offered simply, after waiting her turn to offer an answer. She was actually going to say a couch, but changed her mind when her moment came to speak. Because honestly, those trunks were HEAVY and she doubted she'd be able to maneuver it without a cart or help from her family. Although come to think it, made her wonder if this charm was used by the caretaker and groundkeeper to get all the student's trunks from Hogsmeade station to their dormitories? Probably because that would be A LOT of manual labor without use of a charm. "Correct, especially with enough items loaded inside after enough years," Feirgrund nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Rather than obsess about what was in the boxes - why should he when the entire was going to find out some enough? - Ary went about placing his books and writing materials before him. While watching the other students trek in, of course.Friendly finger wiggle-waves were sent in Zara’s, Charlie’s {was his fellow second year going to be okay?}, Vera’s, Desiree’s, and Emmeline’s directions. “Hi, Pheebs.” Ary loved that the two saw each other so regularly {because they obviously shared a common room} but they never failed to greet the other. He also loved that she was excited about the pens she received. “Oh, wow. They’re pretty. Are they gel inks?” He liked those, thanks to Dynah who had a range of them.
With the door to the classroom shutting, the Slytherin turned his attention back to Feirgrund. Okay, so the man wasn’t going to keep them in suspense too about the lesson’s topic. This was good. They were also going to focus on what was being kept in the boxes. This was also good. As for the question… Ary quickly raised his hand. “When there’s a sick hippogriff and it’s unable to walk. Most time it'll need to be moved to a more comfortable place.” This was him speaking from his second hand experience on the family hippogriff and dragon Reserve. "While Hippogriffs aren't objects per say, they are indeed difficult to carry," Feirgrund nodded. Though the idea of a Hippogriff being as light as a feather would be something. Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Liss had looked into the feather-light charm a bit on her own, but she was looking forward to formally learning it in class. It seemed like a spell that could be really useful in a lot of different situations. Like Professor Feirgrund's question about what objects were too heavy to be carried without magical help, there was an infinite number of possible answers for that. It also depended on the strength of the person. She raised her hand to give her answer. "A refrigerator is heavy and you're supposed to clean under them and behind them but they're too heavy to move so a feather-light charm would probably make that easier." When her family had moved from Indiana they'd had to do a deep clean of their old house. Her parents had been able to use magic for it, though, which had made it a lot easier than it would have been for muggles. "That's correct," Feirgrund nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Despite her OWL score for the subject being defined as abysmal by her mother, Mitsuki did have a strong aptitude for Charms. She had hardly argued the matter while at home, doing so seemed quite pointless considering how set in her disappointment mother had been in juxtaposition to dad's fidgeting and fretting, and simply withdrew into the fact that the exam had failed to capture her attention and interest and thus she had lost all motivation and focus during the execution of what had been a rather straightforward practical and humbly complex practical. Somehow Charms remained on her schedule and she was still in an adjustment period of seeing Professor Feirgrund in this particular capacity. Most of the current Hogwarts faculty appeared to be able to don several a hat so she supposed she ought not be so sluggish in adapting to the change.
It was far more easier to handle in light of the onslaught of memories and intensified emotions still complicating her day to day steps.
Keeping to herself, as per usual, but still with a softer and less melancholic look to her features, an addition as of the conclusion to last term, Mitsuki's eyes casually shifted about to each of her peers. Her overwhelmingly younger peers and Mitsuki lacking a certain disposition that catered to their encouragement. Her eyes briefly narrowed on Vera and Desiree, for different yet overlapping reasons, before shifting back to the professor and his introductory remarks about the Feather-light Charm - a charm she had a long standing relationship with and had been nearly co-dependent upon until she could hold and perform with her large brush for performance calligraphy.
So, what was too heavy for the average person? What constituted as the average person? The Ravenclaw found this particular line of questioning too subjective for her liking and rather than answer took to drawing the feathers from various bird species on the back of her hand since her parchment was already quite saturated by doodles from the lesson prior. Nothing wrong with remaining silent. Feirgrund did notice them scribbling, whether they were note-taking or self-soothing, being physically present was just as important as engaging. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Sitting dead center in the middle of the room, notebook casually resting atop the desk before him, was Archie O'Brien. Posture was being propped up by the back of his chair, while one of his feet just chilled on the top of the box next to desk; hopefully the Professor wasn't too mindful on that. And if he was, well, that would be something to worry about if the need had actually arisen because for the time being, the Scottish third year would listen with intent as the Professor finished up greetings and started to elaborate on what they would be doing today. The ears of Archie would perk upwards like a dog's would upon hearing the Charm that they'd be learning, as it sounded like one which could prove to be a huge help in a lot of cases. The Feather-Light Charm. Obviously, the question being posed to the students after the little opening spiel was also intrinsically tied into it.
While the question in question wasn't exactly a hard one to answer, there was just an exponential amount of answers one could actually give for it and still be suitable. Some of the other student's in the classroom would then proceed to give their own answers to it. Most Archie thought, while technically true as all of them couldn't be lifted normally, didn't exactly fit in with the context that he would have put it. His mind personally raced towards even larger objects than what was currently being mentioned.
So, with his left hand raised upwards, the index finger taking the lead while the other four curled ever so slightly downward toward the palm of the hand, he'd give a brief pause within the moment. Not dramatically long, more so simply out of respect so it wasn't viewed as him blurting out an answer. "I do have to slightly disagree with some of my peers, Professor, as some of those can still be lifted without a wand specifically, granted, said objects would still require something like a lift or pulley system to actually still do so. And, don't get me wrong, that's not to discredit the other answers as well. But, to give my answer on the matter, something that one would definitively require a wand and some kind of spell to lift would be one of those large muggle trucks with all the wheels on them. 18-wheelers, I believe is the term for them." And, Archie knew that even then, given the first half of his response, it wasn't necessarily the best answer. But even with a large-scale pulley system of some sorts, it would require a great amount of effort even then. Also, there was the question and potential problem of if someone even possessed enough power and skill to be capable of lifting all that weight with a spell.
Sometimes though, an exaggerated response was the best kind of response in his eyes. One of the many things Feirgrund favoured with responses to his questions were those seeing the technicality and exploring that in their answers. It could've been implied that without a wand he meant with bare hands, which caused the small smile, "Indeed, there are other routes of lifting heavy objects without the use of a wand. Using another object or having assistance is often required when carrying heavy loads," Feirgrund nodded. After all, he did teach Muggle Studies so thoughts relating to Muggles were expected and welcomed. "In the magical world however, it's easier to cut the physical effort with magical one." Though he didn't specify any additional object that was heavy, objects were mentioned and the discussion was appreciated. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Charlie's gaze flicked to Phoebe as she arrived, and then to the... pens? Sure, at the pens she had with her. That apparently all wrote in black. "Cool," he said, except that he didn't really find it cool, more couldn't figure out how he was supposed to react, and what it was that made them exciting. Maybe because so many wrote with quill and ink here? At least the Slytherin boy, Ary, had that covered, so all Charlie needed to do was look interested. Usually something he could master just fine, but less so when his energy was had been sapped, as now. At least his face was half-covered, and not liable to give him away.
Soon enough, though, they were getting on with things. Charlie made himself comfortable, lounging in his chair, prepared to simply listen for the moment mostly because, at the moment, too much talking tended to cause problems.
But then he did chime in, entirely overlooking the hand-raising business. "Some people are so big-headed it's a wonder how they manage to carry their egos a-..." He broke off, because lo and behold, a wracking cough suddenly siezed him. He stopped a moment to cough and wheeze, and banged on his chest before finishing in a slightly strained, slightly annoyed voice. "-... around."
See? Aggravating. The delivery of a perfectly good line, ruined. It might've taken an effort to keep Feirgrund's face impartial. It was a good thing he was already smiling from the previous answer that this could play off as him not reacting, "Ahem.. well reasoned, Master Upstead," Though the classroom had to be tempered down, "Though do remember to raise your hand beforehand next time," Just a gentle reminder. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot There were a LOT of things that were heavy, in both the physical and metaphorical sense but the Ravenclaw’s mind rarely fluctuated towards the latter. Aurora wasn’t the strongest, her sister had been teaching her how to box in a supposed attempt to ensure she could handle herself alone at the school but she was taking it as a means to build some muscle. That and the pink gloves she was given were very cute. “Books are heavy!” Particularly those big textbooks that the Professors insisted that they learn from and the reason why, despite being capable of producing spells, Aurora often intentionally ‘forgot’ to bring with her to lessons. There were many other things she could’ve suggested such as Elephants and statues and mountains but none of them seemed to have the practical implications that Feirgrund was lucky looking for. The idea of being able to pick up an Elephant was quite amusing though.
Then a younger student rambled on about using lorries and pulley systems and other solutions to the aforementioned predicament. “But that sounds more complicated. Why would you if you could use magic?” Her Ma, Muggleborn and raised in a very muggle environment, still used her magic to make life easier at times even with exposure to Muggle technology. "Correct, there are books quite heavy enough when stacked," Feirgrund nodded. When Miss Ackerly addressed Master O'Brien's suggestion earlier, he did give them a chance to respond before added, "Sometimes a previous habit can override a quicker approach," What made sense was up for interpretation. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander The small blonde everyone knew as Bryony had been here since shortly after the arrival of her bestest bestie Aryan. She had simply found herself a seat quietly beside him as she normally did, greeted the professor and everyone else around her with the normal finger wiggles and settled herself in. Quietly. Well.. as quietly as the Paton youngest could manage. That meant legs were swinging lightly beneath her desk as she went about setting up her things for the lesson.
Bright blue eyes hadn't at all missed the large boxes beside each desk that just wouldn't MOVE! It was completely and utterly rude that not only could she not move it out of her way but she also had no clue what was inside. Why their professors always seemed to insist on doing things such as this was beyond her but it was sometimes a tad bit annoying. And she may very well have voiced that opinion had it not been for Professor Feirgrund starting the lesson.
They would be learning the feather light charm? Awesome! Bry thought about what her fellow peers were saying and somehow it made her think of something her big brother constantly told her. "My brother always likes to say that I'M heavy.. but I'm not, right Ary? I'm not?" This had started off as a reply to their professor but somehow she had gotten very spun around in her head and now it was directed at the young boy sitting near her. He would know though, wouldn't he? What with all the times she had flung herself at him and all that fun stuff. Hand still in the air, her attention drifting back onto Feirgrund, "Can this charm be used on people, Professor?" This was important information and now she was curious. Well, that was an unexpected answer as Feirgrund could only blink before answering, "The feather-light charm could be used on a human in theory. Though, like the levitating charm, the effects would be short-lived depending on the caster's magical ability if successful," To further explain, "It's more complex with humans since we all have individual organs inside, so it would be multiple objects to work on decreasing the weight. At best, the human could temporarily weigh less but to be the weight of a feather would be a grand achievement." Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Emmie was just a tad dissapointed that they weren't going to be making any pumpkins fly in this particular lesson. She tried to perk up though since Prof Feirgrund promised her that something was going to be floating at least, and returned the finger wiggle from Ary before tuning in to what Professor Feirgrund was saying at the start of the lesson. What was too heavy for the average person to lift without the use of magic? Emmie contemplated her answer, and listened to all her peers suggestions, some were reasonable while others made her just want to roll her eyes at, but she didn't. Raising her own hand Emmie offered up the first thing that had come to her mind when the question had been asked in answer. "Professor, the whole hogwarts express train or even just a carriage of it is too heavy for human to lift without the use of magic." Unless Professor Feirgrund had wanted her to think about something more close to home then she'd say her school trunk without a doubt like Emma had said. "That is true, the train is quite massive in size," Feirgrund nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Desiree acknowledged the professor’s nod with one of her own As she waited for the lesson to begin, she wondered if Halloween was Professor Ferigrund’s favorite holiday. For that matter, what was she going to be for Halloween this year? Probably something Disney-inspired as usual… though she could mix it up a bit with one of her favorite romantic heroines. She’d love to try her hand at sewing a Jane Eyre or Elizabeth Bennett dress, but wouldn’t those costumes look out of place without a Rochester or Darcy with her? Maybe she could dress her cat up…
She was jerked out of her costume plans by Professor Feirgrund’s voice, and she focused her attention on him as the lesson started. Ooh, the Featherlight charm. Not the Unsticking charm like she’d originally guessed, but still useful. So they wouldn’t see what was inside the boxes until after practicing? Now she was more curious about the boxes than ever! She considered the question, envisioning the many objects that were too heavy to lift. Her thoughts immediately turned to large pieces of furniture, and she smiled to herself at the memory of her muggle grandfather struggling to move an armoire.
She almost gave that answer, but Bryony’s question piqued her interest. If the spell could be used on people, that could be potentially useful in her future healer career. How else could the Featherlight charm be useful in healing? An idea occurred to her, and she raised her hand. “A large stone or boulder,” she said after being called on, “Say you were building something or trying to help an injured person or creature…” "That is correct," Feirgrund nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Now that interactions were over and class started, Yulietta felt a lot better. The less a threat to interact the more she could focus.
She was able to understand what the professor and classmates were saying all thanks to the magical notebook her uncle Kennedy gave her. It would translate what was being said to Spanish so she could keep up. It was like those magical quills that wrote on their own while a person spoke. This had a similar function but with language. It was honestly one of the coolest magical things she's seen so far.
A Feather-Light charm? That seemed like a useful charm, and her first thought was: a cow.
Back home in Mexico her mom's husband had many farm animals and Yulietta sometimes helped with them. The pig was stubborn to move, but dangle some food in front of him and he'd follow. The cow was something else. She would not move even if it was raining and thundering. She only moved if and when she felt like it. Funny, Yulietta would sometimes wish she could magically move the cow during those tough confrontations. And now...haha.
Of course, she didn't volunteer for fear of being laughed at, so she wrote it down on her neatly organized notes.
As another student (Charlie) participated, she couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped her. She was quick to cover her mouth and keep her head down. Big head and big egos. Did the charm work on that? Like previous students who were quiet, Feirgrund did observe that they were at least physically present and taking notes.
"Alright, settle down, everyone," After the leftover tension was broken, Feirgrund used his wand to tap the blackboard a few times. Changing the previous written words into the following: Quote:
Originally Posted by Blackboard Feather-light Charm ~ ploo - mAh - Viss Wand Incantation/Movement: Plumavis - Shape of a tilde, left to right over the object "The Feather-light Charm's name is easily coined with making the intended object weight as light as a feather, Plumavis. " An easy thing to commit to memory in his opinion, "It is thought to be first used by Cressida Blume in an attempt to help her carry her own books, though she mistakenly used a different charm that caused them to fly. This charm won't make an object fly, but it would make it easy to have them carry and ascend in a floating fashion," Which is where the confusion likely came into play, "As Miss Paton questioned, the chances of using this on a human or creature is possible. But with the vital organs and innards each having their own individual mass, this would require far more experience in magic to essentially make every organ weight small enough to have the entire body weigh the same amount as a single feather."
Now, with that information brought up, "The objective today is you'll be having the box next to your desk weight as light as a feather. You'll perform the Feather-light charm and then test with the levitation charm, Windgardium Leviosa." Feirgrund said. "But first, we will practice pronouncing the spell, Plumavis. You may repeat or mouth silently, ploo-mah-viss," Waiting until enough audibly spoke it. "Good, continue pronouncing it."
"Next up is the wand movement," Feirgrund motioned his wand out, "It is the shape a tilde, or a small wave from left to right from your point of view," As he pointed his wand at the board to motion the direction drawn out. "If you also need a review on the Levitation charm, you may also practice doing so, Wingardium Leviosa. Win-Gar-Dee-Um. Leh-Vee-Oh-Sa, with the swish and flick wand movement." While enough students wouldn't likely need to review the levitation charm, it would prevent any from feeling too far behind just in case. OOC: Great responses everyone! Now you'll be practicing the wand movement and pronouncing the Feather-light charm. If needed, your character can also refresh with the Levitation charm since we'll be using both charms in at least 48 hours from now. If you have any questions feel to ask. |