HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more A flicker of confusion crossed Mikkel’s face as he was wordlessly presented a card. He was no expert in social skills himself and there may have been a slight cultural difference in his Scandinavian experience but he was fairly certain that unspeakables weren’t literally supposed to be mute. He caught the card in his fingertips, turning it over to read the message displayed in ink.
What an odd question. Although it wasn’t entirely unthinkable, Mikkel had frequently found himself working such unsociable hours that he found it difficult to process whether it was day or night. Up in the Arctic Circle it could be daylight far beyond midnight in the summer and continuously nighttime during the winter. It was no wonder that the Evolutionist was pale and gaunt when he had lived half the year without vitamin D. “I believe so,” he answered, sliding his bookmark into the page he had previously been reading. “Unless I too have lost time somewhere.” His brows furrowed. He didn’t entirely understand what occurred in the Time Chamber after all.
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