Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Phoebe stopped trying to open the box and raised her hand to answer the question. Because she was still unusually small and not very strong, she felt like an expert in this question. "I can't pick up a piano! Or a big box. Or even more than a few books at a time, really. So usually I need somebody else's help to carry things." She hated needing help, though, and was eager to learn how to carry things with her wand, which seemed easier than waiting for her growth spurt. But they weren't learning levitation, they were learning lightening. "Professor, I wouldn't be ale to pick up a piano even if we put the feather light charm on it. It would be too bulky to hold. What should I do in that case?" That seemed like a big problem unless she had someone to help, which was a problem because she liked to do things herself! |