Basic Information
Full name: Nadia Talika Atreyu-Rehman
Nickname: Nadi, Nads (Dynah)
Gender: Female
Date of birth:
Nationality: British
Blood status: Half-Blood
Wand: 9½ inch bendy holly with unicorn hair
Hair colour: Brown
Hair style: Grown to her shoulders
Eye colour: Brown
Skin tone:
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Average for her age albeit maybe on the skinny side.
Clothing style: A mix of girly athletic
Other distinguishing features:
Traits: Outgoing like her Daddy and twin sister
Likes: Sweets, adventure
Good at:
Bad at: Sitting still sometimes
Hobbies: Flying
Fears: Losing Family
Ambition: Playing Quidditch
Father: Aditya Atreyu-Rehman
Father: Benjamin Atreyu-Rehman
Siblings: Rajesh Atreyu-Rehman, Dynah Atreyu-Rehman, Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Atreyu grandparents: Cassiopeia and Lukas Atreyu
Rehman grandparents: Indira Rai- Rehman (deceased) and Saieed Rehman (deceased)
Uncles: Frankie Paton, Amir Rehman
Aunts: Hady Paton
Other noteworthy relatives:
Family home: "The Cliffs" Dragon Reserve - Weybourne, Norfolk, England
Family background:
Individual magic
Wand reaction when first held: Warm to touch and cast a sunflower upon wave
Boggart: TBD
Patronus: TBD
Animagus: TBD
Polyjuice: TBD
Amortentia: TBD
(What happened before Hogwarts)
Nadia was born as a twin through surrogacy to Aditya and Benjamin Atreyu-Rehman. Together they are the middle children but that didn't make any bit of difference when in comparison to her older brother, Rajesh or younger brother Aryan. a point that both parents did their best to keep, especially given she and her sister Dynah were biologically connected to their fathers while the boys are both adopted.
Raised on a Dragon and Hippogriff reserve, she has been surrounded by creatures of all sorts her entire life and like the rest of her family has an affinity for them.
SPOILER!!: Years at Hogwarts
First year
Sorted into: Gryffindor
Best subject:
Favorite subject:
Favorite teacher:
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Least favorite teacher:
Quidditch: Watching from sidelines unfortunately
Friends: Anna Walles
Christmas holiday:
Second year
Best subject:
Favorite subject:
Favorite teacher:
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Least favorite teacher:
Friends: Anne Wallas, Vera Thantos, Mouse
Christmas holiday:
Third year
Elective subjects:
Best subject:
Favorite subject:
Favorite teacher:
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Least favorite teacher:
Friends: Anne Wallas, Vera Thantos
Christmas holiday:
Fourth year
Best subject:
Favorite subject:
Favorite teacher:
Worst subject:
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Least favorite teacher:
Quidditch: Training for U-17 tryouts
Friends: Anne Wallas, Vera Thantos
Christmas holiday:
Other: Nadia made the U-17 Quidditch for England, playing for the team over the summer
(What happened after Hogwarts)