For Astrid/Pheebs! ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. With the intention of having the students practise their duelling and defensive skills a little more, Dhruv thought it best to add a reminder to the Notice Board. Written on neon green cardboard so that the notice would be bound to catch anyone’s attention who visited the board, the words served to inform the new students and remind the old ones that the Dueling Arena was open to all and that they may even engage professors as duelling partners. Watching the students advance in the magic was always quite rewarding to this DADA professor.
They hummed the School’s song as they performed Wandless Magic to first slide the class back then to adhere the cardboard against a blank patch of the board. After the glass was slid back in place, they turned their attention to the other notices.
Was there anything that would pique their interest? |