Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Honestly, probably yes in regards to the oldest female Anders. It was possible that Davet only somehow ended up paying extra attention when Jude was mentioned, but it seemed like Jude had been the one whose name had come up the most. Not that Davet minded, especially now years later when he was probably the name he mentioned the most as well. He watched the interaction between the siblings in amusement, a smile on his face as he did so. At the comment from his boyfriend about Jude's own irresistability, he just gave solemn nod in agreement - even if he knew it'd been teasing. Jude WAS adorable and Dav's heart had been a lost cause to keep it to himself from the moment of their first date. As for the pair potentially performing together? Dav would certainly been following the hype of this conversation and reach out to the directors he knew. Even if it was just a local production, low stress, maybe it's something he could get aligned for post Jude's graduation.
It was true, that with a family so full of performing arts careers that Davet was lucky enough to have new resources for method acting with different roles. But that did also present the unique challenges of the fact there would probably always be something going on. And they'd be lucky if it was only one. "We'll be there for as many as your competitions as we can as well." He replied as well, giving Keigh a bright smile as he did so. He didn't know much about her craft, but he knew enough to know that it seemed she won a lot of her matches.
Being included in the hug too was a warm feeling for him, and he returned it for both of the Anders before kissing Jude's cheek a second time - just unable to contain all the joy he felt at the upcoming plans and the fact they'd already gotten one of the yeses they were hoping for. "I didn't really think you'd say no." He replied in response to her question, his hand finding one of Jude's. "Thank you for saying yes still." As for the time? He just nodded in agreement with Jude's response. The sooner the better, but it would be nice to have all three of the people they most wanted. Davet was fairly confident Reagan and Evan would end up being yeses as well.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |