Thread: Slytherin Table
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Old 01-05-2024, 01:07 AM   #15 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vera Brinley Thanatos

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Fifth Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

It wasn't long after he'd sat that Phoebe arrived too, which prompted the curly haired boy to perk up a bit in his seat and prop his head into his now open palm while he'd moved his elbow to rest on the table. She got a warm smile as well - he was always happy to see friends and he counted the other herbologist enthusiast as such. "Hi, Pheebs!" He chirped after Aryan. He would have asked her more questions about her summer too, but there was a lot of their year mates it seemed especially congregating, so he opted to save it for later.

The older years tended to make Drake a bit more on the nervous side, so as Solomon approached the boy kept his own mouth closed. Though the kindness and welcome greeting he'd offered the other student and the attempt at humor was noted. And clearly showed that maybe he wasn't one to be super frightened of, so he gave the older boy a shy smile before a nod of acknowledgement too at the (Eliza) first year who had responded to his earlier statement. She was engaged in conversation with other students closer to her though and seemed quite at home already, so he didn't bother to try to make any further attempts there.

Which worked just fine for him anyways, so he could continue his conversation with Aryan and Bryony on the other side of him as well. "I'm tiiiiired." He replied in response to his friend, a playful expression at the hair tousle before he reached up to smooth the errant curls back down. "I can't wait for food and then we can go back to our dorm!" There was a lot to be done before the night was up to make it as comfortable of a fort as they had the year previously, but at least they had experience under their belt this go around. "True, it isn't the reserve." He agreed, not bothering to voice any of his other thoughts about how this was equally home though. Both Drake's own household and Hogwarts meant a lot to him already, for different reasons. But he didn't want to come off as a clingy friend by further explaining those, so it was best to just... not. As for Professor Feirgrund? "I don't know a lot about a lot of them truthfully." He confessed, glancing up at the staff table as he did so. It was actually maybe a surprise he'd even noticed the shift - but the seating just looked different. Drake wondered briefly if they had ALL swapped if he would have noticed or the mass changes just would have made the whole thing still appear normal.

His year mate intimidated him a little, so Drake had been fine with primarily escaping Sloane's notice. Except, then she moved closer in proximity to Phoebe and therefore them as well and he slunk down in his seat a little. Just an attempt to draw less attention to himself, though the action might certainly have done the exact opposite of intended. More people began to fill in around them all, including another new (Yulietta) first year who instantly drifted to Phoebe as well. He offered her a small smile and a tiny wave of his hand at her hello, offering another in response. "Hi! Welcome to Slytherin." He said it softly, in case all of the... everything at the table spooked her as much as it had him the year prior. Another (Bronwen) older student then joined them as well, and she seemed friendly enough but... Drake was also still too nervous of the older years to offer much of a response even if the question sounded like a general one to the table. Instead he just smiled a bit.

And then shrunk further into his seat once more.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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