Open! HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more Mikkel had started and maintained his position at the Ministry without making much of a splash and for good reason. He was not one to enjoy the attention, that and being an unspeakable came with its own set of regulations and secrecy that reinforced his own quietness. That wasn’t to say that Mikkel was unfriendly, he just kept himself to himself for the majority of the time and worked some rather odd and unsociable hours.
Today he was awake at a reasonable hour and after working in the darkness of the Space Chamber for a number of hours he was appreciative of a few moments alone in the Decompression Chamber. It was an odd location for a break room, although not much stranger than the old observatory he worked at in Svalbard which effectively didn’t have a break room at all. He sprayed himself with the requested spray and settled himself down on one of the pillows with his book nestled in his lap.
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