• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Kion's appetite wasn't the only ones who was vaining by looking at the mystery green stuff for too long. Shrugging Maria pulled out her own wand from it's handy holster. "Well whatever it is needs to be gone." She had surprised herself by getting an Outstanding mark on her Herbology O.W.L results but this green substance tha moved wasn't something Maria remembered that they had studied in herbolgy or potions class. "Tergeo!" she casted in unison with Kion as they effectively cleaned away all the green goo in a matter of minutes. Leaning over to give Kion a second kiss on the cheek she smiled wide at him. "There, all cleaned up! Do you still want us to find another compartment? I'm okay with staying here, if you are?"
Kion could feel his face heat as bright as his smile returned Maria's kiss. "You did brilliant, everything looks so clean now." He commented on how quicker her spell worked compared to his. "We can stay," He was pretty much happy wherever she wanted to go as he waited on her to take a seat before joining her.
"So, how did you do on your exams? I got 9 O.W.Ls. 2 Outstandings in Ancient Runes & Defense. A's in Herbology and Creatures and the rest were E's." Kion was happy he didn't get any P's or lower. "Do you think we'll get a chance to relax this term until N.E.W.T's next year?" He hoped so, but wasn't expecting much relaxing either way. |