HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Being a girl was impossible sometimes. Not that there was any pressure for her to be more feminine, her Ma was much more of tomboy herself who barely wore makeup and the family were all sporty. But Aurora had a fear of being left behind and with her closest friends growing up faster than she was it was about time that she tried too.
Of course Ariadne was pretty, she was the spitting image of their Mom who had been a model when she was younger. Ari was also a Beauxbatons girly and they seemed to ooze classic femininity that the Hogwarts raised Rora didn’t. “She’s been doing it much longer than me. I think they had secret makeup lessons at Beauxbatons.” She giggled. Boxing wasn’t a sport that Rora naturally gravitated towards but Ari had insisted that the fourteen year old being on her own at school that she had to learn. “I have bright pink gloves.” Which clearly made the whole experience more enjoyable.
The Ravenclaw was in two minds over whether she was excited at the prospect of becoming a big sister. In the one hand she loved kids and she was looking forward to encouraging and influencing her own kin but then again they’d been a family of four women for such a long time that the boy might disrupt the harmony. Plus she was so used to being the youngest in the family and everyone knew the middle child was the least favourite! “She was supposed to have him a week ago but he’s late” her lips pouted. Boys were always leaving girls waiting. “Delicious” she grinned after popping one into her mouth. She had missed travelling dearly but there was always next summer.
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