Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot It might have been a stupid idea closing his eyes for the risk of actually drifting off into a slumber was relatively high but that didn’t mean that some kid could come barging into his compartment and rudely wake him up. The seventh year didn’t usually have issues with the younger years, not that he chose to interact with them much but he wasn’t the type to go out of his way to intimidate the poor squirts but this kid had it coming. It had taken him a second to figure out what exactly had just happened as he shot back into the land of the living until the first year came into view through bleary eyes.
The look that was sent in the boy's direction was cold enough to turn anyone into ice. “Seriously kid?!” he croaked through gritted teeth, readjusting his position on the seat. “Hogwarts doesn’t need another loudmouth.” This one came as more of a grumble from under his breath.
It was probably a good thing that Joseph wasn’t present or the Sprog would’ve been hexed out of the compartment by now. Fynley had slightly more patience than his boyfriend when it came to interruptions. Yep….. Octavius Jude should have known better. Well to be fair - he was so caught up in his own world that he hadn’t noticed the older boy and probably should have noticed him there…. anyway- yes, should have expected the ice cold reaction to be bone-chilling; however, the glare could have given him frostbite. He quickly glanced down at his feet, averting the older guy’s chill. “Sorry…. I… got caught up…. I’ll be… moving along… nothing to see here. Sorry siiiiiiiiiiiir,” he said VERY softly whilst making a grimace that matched the emoji to the T.
Yep, probably not great first impression…..
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