Open <3 HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more Fynley supposed he ought to be feeling some sort of way about returning to Hogwarts for his final year but truth be told he was kind of numb towards it all. He had worked the entirety of summer right up to the day previous in order to save up as much money for graduation as possible, living in a run down hostel in a not-so-nice area of London to do so.
Looking a teensy bit dishevelled from the 2 hours sleep he had managed to get in in-between the sirens and noises of inner city life, his curls hung limply over his forehead as he stepped onto the train from the platform and sauntered down the corridors towards the back. He occasionally looked into the compartments for a sighting, preferably of Joseph but a close friend would do. Someone who wouldn’t judge him for looking a bit of a mess or if he fell asleep midway.
Giving up as he reached somewhere in the middle, the seventh year slipped into an empty compartment and flopped onto the seat. His head leaned against the window as he yawned and closed his eyes.
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