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Old 12-23-2023, 04:07 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Prompt #19: Fruitcake
{154 words}

December 2106 - three days before Christmas - found Ary in Grandma Rehman’s kitchen. Though he didn’t know it then, this would be her last Christmas before she would pass away in September 2107.

“What goes in da fruit cakes? Apples? Bananas?”

Indira laughed and ruffled her grandson’s hair. “Not quite. Raisins diced dates, candied cherries and my secret - a tiny amount of chopped candied ginger.”

“Oh. Nots whats I was expecting.”

“Sometimes, certain things are never that way,’’
Indira replied, leaving Ary some words of wisdom at the same time. “Want to help stir the batter?”


Standing on a stool so that he would be able to see over the kitchen island, he took the wooden spoon and began to stir. He used both hands by placing them on the handle.

“Good boy! You make the perfect little assistant.”

“Thanks, Grammy!”

It wasn’t hard work and Ary always looked forward to these special moments.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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