Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Davet smiled at the pair of them again, giving a small nod when Keighley also included their older siblings in the blanket statement of how close they all were. "i have noticed that with all of you. Even before I was formally introduced to the Anders clan, Reagan always spoke very fondly of all of you." Maybe that was a portion too of why Davet's eyes had always been so drawn to Jude when the family had showed for performances and the like. She spoke so highly of all the family, he couldn't help but be curious about them all early. He hadn't expected initially to be so attracted to Jude as well, but clearly it wasn't something he held any regrets on either. "It sounds like you guys picked each other." They were close in age, and their temperaments seemed quite complimentary as well. Both were fun loving and had a natural appreciation for life, but they perhaps weren't as energetic as his own best friend tended to be. "You won't hear any complaints from me on that idea." He replied, sending a wink Keighley's way. "We definitely cannot disappoint her!" And bless her for being just as excited at the idea as he was. It would not be a stretch to say a performance with Jude was an item on his bucket list.
His partner's love of dance was perhaps why Davet had also been so willing to learn, or accept any positions in which the skillset would be necessary. It gave him an excuse to request more of Jude's time, even if he would have told him he didn't need a reason. And it was important to Dav that Jude saw the things that were important to him; were equally important to the Durand. At Jude's assurance to Keighley, his head bobbed in an emphatic agreement. "Exactly that. We're not silly to also care about your schedule." He reminded her gently. He and Jude had certainly been biting off nearly more than they could chew as of late - they could recognize the fact Keighley had a lot on her plate to juggle as well.
He was more than happy to sit back and just watch the interaction between the siblings, his grin stretching from ear to ear at Keighley's reaction and Jude's clear excitement with sharing the information. The eager hug and quick answer of yes to their request was also appreciated, and Davet perhaps felt a little emotional watching the pair for a moment before Jude's arm his direction was noticed. With a soft laugh, he scooted to join the hug, wrapping an arm around the siblings already entangled and giving them a soft squeeze, while also pausing to press a quick kiss to Jude's head. He couldn't wait to be married to this wonderful man of his.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |