Kristin and our favorite Captain! <3 Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
This summer had been amazing and eventful and perhaps one of the greatest summers she'd yet to have in her 16 years of life. But with as busy as it had been, that also meant she had not had the same amount of time as usual to spend with her favorite people. Whereof meant that Sia and Vera time was very desperately needed, because she missed her best friend. So Vera had suggested they go out for shrunken head bowling! It wasn't something they did super often, but it still could end up being fun.
Very gently, Ve shoved her best friend through the door first, carefully following after her and letting it then close behind them as first mate linked her arm through the Captain's and led the pair of them further into the establishment, heading straight for the counter so they could pay and get their equipment. "I decided to buy us gloves for this. I mean, I'm not much of a germaphobe but I don't know how you would go about sanitizing a head in a humane way so... it seemed like a good idea. And who knows, maybe we can start some bowling fashion trend!" the brunette chattered, smiling at the blond. "How's your summer been so far, by the way?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |