Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! 7. Eggnog ...2108
Margaret peered into the mug of dubious liquid handed to her. It was the color of milk that had gone bad, and it smelled…well, it smelled pretty good. Sort of spicy. She supposed it was more the texture of the drink as she swirled the mug that made her distrustful. Something was just…not right about it.
And yet her family had been drinking it for years, and they’d never gotten ill from drinking eggnog.
Wrinkling her nose a bit, Margaret took another sniff of the drink. She just needed…a little sip. To taste it. It couldn’t be that bad if PJ drank it.
Closing her eyes to avoid seeing the off-putting viscosity of the eggnog, Margaret took a quick sip. Well, she tried to take a quick sip, but with the thickness of it being unlike anything else she’d practiced drinking, the sip never came, so she tipped the mug further, but then WAY more than a sip was in her mouth. Margaret moved to put the mug down, but changed her mind and instead brought it back up and spit the eggnog back into it. “I don’t like eggnog,” she announced.