2. Advent
Words: 160
Character: Tyrion Riggs; Pukwudgie Class of 2105
Feat: James Riggs (Erindipity)
He wasn’t much of a holiday celebrating type of guy. In Tyri’s opinion, the holidays brought too many corny songs, too much consumerism and some of the worst movies he’d ever had to sit through. But one thing that he did think was kind of fun? Advent calendars. The idea of spoiling someone you cared about with little ways of caring about them for an entire 25 days (or 12, depending on which type of advent you wanted to do) was just super chill.
Which was why despite his usual aversion, he’d decided to try it this year for his best friend, turned nomadic partner, turned wife. Whether holidays were or weren’t her scene, he knew music was and that she always was apprieciated of the ways he showed he cared.
So… advent. And the theme this year? Re-writing each of the different corny songs to be James-centric. And of course he had to start with 12 days of Christmas.