23. Decorate
Words: 170
Gillyweed Desjardins - Castelobruxo class of 2104
Feat: Cedar Desjardins (Chelliephone)
“Maman! Maman!” Gilly’s currently blue eyes turned to look for her son amidst the clutter of boxes she’d laid out during her task of sprucing up their flat. It was hard to locate him for a moment, with all of the inflatables she’d purchased already blown to full capacity, but he seemed to have sympathy for her as he turned his hair bright blue. “Maman!”
Stepping down from her letter, light strand left half way up, the young woman opened her arms to gather him up. “Yes, little love?” She asked, nuzzling his head.
“I want to help decorate the tree! You haven't done it already right?!” He asked, pushing away from her to look at her with worried eyes.
Gilly laughed before snatching a stray now from the box next to them and placing it on Cedar’s head. “I haven't, but we can start with the Cedar tree right now!”
The little boy laughed before jumping away from her and peeling through the house, Gil right on his heels.