Jess and Emma! Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Mandrake Beery wasn't sure if there was an age in which it was unspokenly agreed upon that you were TOO OLD to play on a playground, but if there was... He was prepared to either A) hope that age wasn't 12 or B) ignore it if it was. He LOVED the playground in Diagon Alley - with the swings that required no effort and the creature carousel. He did have to admit, after completing his first year at Hogwarts the little castle replica wasn't nearly as exciting, but everything else still held its usual splendor.
Zooooooming to the carousel as soon as there was an open pathway to do so, the rising second year hopped up on to a Kelpie and gave a whoop of excitement as it began to spin around. He should have made Gil come with him, he realized, but maybe others would wander about.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |