17. Wreath
Words: 200
Roquefort Aesir-McCarthy - future class of 2123
Feat: Brie Aesir-McCarthy (Chelliephone)
This was generally an exciting time of the year. All of the presents, the pretty decoration, the heaps and heaps of candy they seemed to be able to convince the adults in their lives to give them. It was one of the few times where Ro Jr felt like he wasn't just existing, but he was even feeling euphoric!
But… as per her usual, Brie always found a way to ruin things for him.
He should have known to be more careful! This was, after all, the first year Brie was old enough to participate in the family tourney. Which meant his normally aggressive older sister was 10x MORE so. But due to his own neglect and the allure of the holiday getting him to lower his guard, he wasn't prepared when she pounced down from one of the upper levels of the foam play castle Dad had built - managing to entrap him with ease within the circle of one of the holiday wreaths Auntie Islay had made for them.
His arms pinned to his side, Brie let out a roar of triumph as Roquefort watched after her - before heaving the heaviest of sighs at his new predicament.