25. Ugly Sweater
Words: 193
Character: Tavion Sawyer, 2108 Ravenclaw Graduate
Feat: Emilia Kim (Yaya)
Not being able to be with his fianceé during the holiday was the pits. But because Tavion was also so proud of her and the self proclaimed #1 self-proclaimed Emilia Kim fan, he could deal with it. It just meant he had to come up with ways to spoil her for the season from afar. He could have gone to every single one of her concerts, but the traveling was hard on their cats and he also knew their being there could sometimes be a distracting.
Which was in part what spurred probably his BEST Christmas surprise he could have come up with yet!
Finding a photographer friend, Tav had them taking an obscene amount of shots of him and the kitties, before then going to a graphic shop and having them take all of those photos and print them on a sweater - with pom poms, and candy cane decals and all of the things that just screamed CHRISTMAS CHEER. The end result was truly the most hideous sweater he’d ever seen, but with his and the fur children's faces plastered all over it….
He knew Emi was going to love it.