18. Tinsel
Words: 160
Character: Tinsley Walker; Thunderbird graduate of 2110
Feat: Ettie Walker; NPC
The Walker’s liked to do Christmas BIG. There was a little holiday village Ettie set up every year, and a train that had tracks that floated all the way around the house, and little figurines of Santa GALORE. Her mom always did Christmas SO big, that Tinsley was pretty sure her name was what it was JUST so Tinsel could be used as one of her nicknames.
Which was also why she thought her mom was going to LOVE the idea the 16 year old had come up with this year.
Being underage, of course she couldn’t do any magical modifications to her appearance alone, but that wasn’t to say she couldn’t go to a hairdresser. Tins had paid to have her entire head of hair turned into just strands of tinsel, which was… a lot of shimmer, but she was living for it.
At least… she had been until Ettie saw her.
“Tinsley Beck Walker! Your CURLS!”