12. Reindeer
Words: 135
Character: Evan Nam; Ravenclaw Class of 2109
Feat: Hailey Amstern (Watson)
Since the birth of the twins, Christmas had seemed a whole lot more chaotic than it had in years past. Not that Evan minded that fact - the young man fully wrapped around the girls’ fingers.
Which unfortunately for Evan, the girls knew.
Now at 3 years old and his sister in law pregnant with the first nephew of the family, Ev was trying to do what he could to keep the twins busy. Thankfully one of their other aunts too Wyn, which just left him and Hailey.
“Reindeer, Uncle Ev!! Reindeer!”
He blinked at the young girl from his spot on the ground, confusion showing on his face. “Reindeer?” He didn't have time to ask again before she was throwing himself at his back, causing him to shift forward towards the ground.
“Ride, reindeer!!”