24. Ice Skating
Words: 165
Character: Naia Rose Montezor; Hufflepuff Class of 2097
Feat: Cressida Montezor (MunchyBubbles and mentions of Regina Amstern (AlwaysSnapesGirl
One would have thought that growing up in Alaska, Naia would have been as talented as the rest of her siblings when it came to being out on the ice. And yet as she laced up the boots for her oldest daughter, their ice skating Mommy/Daughter date already underway, she could feel the pit of dread in her stomach and the beginning of a sore bottom of the fails that were sure to be coming.
Once skates were laced, she grabbed Cress’ hand and pulled her out onto the ice - carefully at first, before her daughter released her hand and was off and away, with the natural grace of her aunt.
Nai tried to follow along, but her feet slipped out from under her almost immediately and she fell down with an “OOF”.
Cress gigged before coming back to her and offering her hand. “How about I help you this time, mommy?” Her ego might have been bruised, but her heart was still full.