16. Plum Pudding
Words: 199
Rosemary Scardino, Beauxbatons Class of 2094. Current Games and Sports employee
Feat: Benito Scardino (NPC) - family originally created by kayquilz
Mami always went big for holidays. Not only did Nonna bake copious amounts of delicious bread, but Rosemary's own mother also went hard on holiday themed food. If it was something that was referenced in a holiday cookbook, the likelihood it had been featured on the Scardino's Christmas table at least once was high.
This year's featured food? Plum Pudding.
While Rose had not tried this particular.... Delight before, she was hesitant to do so now as they all sat around the table together - her father having just dolloped a large spoonful onto the china plate in front of the 14 year old. She eyed it, and him, skeptically, before cautiously taking a tiny spoonful.
She was going to try it, for Mami's sake only, when one of her older brother's noticed her hesitation. And Benito being... Well, himself, he couldn't help but comment on it. "Aww, what's wrong Rosie Posie? Scared of trying something new?"
Her eyes narrowed, and before she could even consider the consequences the spoonful of plum went hurdling towards her brother before SMACK. It smeared right across his face.
How many times did she need to remind him it was Rosemary?