Hello all! I'm Chelle and this is my 25 Holiday ficlets for a miscellaneous selection from my host of SSRPG characters. I will be only using characters once for the different prompts, the master list of whose who is located below as well as a spoiler for all characters mentioned that are not from my own brain, but the wonderful mind of others who have let myself and my characters get to know them!
Disclaimer: While my characters listed are original characters and labors of love from my own brain, those mentioned that are the intellectual property of others are not, and neither is the world any of them exist in as that is the original creation of J. K. Rowling.
SPOILER!!: Prompts
Prompt List
1. Carols 2. Advent 3. Candy Canes 4. Chimney 5. Scrooge 6. Jolly 7. Eggnog 8. Chestnuts 9. Mistletoe 10. Bells 11. Sleigh 12. Reindeer 13. Gingerbread 14. Candlelight 15. Nutcracker 16. Plum Pudding 17. Wreath 18. Tinsel 19. Fruitcake 20. Presents 21. Snowman 22. Coal 23. Decorate 24. Ice Skating 25. Ugly Sweater
Currently completed: 25/25 14. Candlelight
Words: 196
Character: Ronan McCarthy; Gryffindor Class of 2102
Featuring; Brie Aesir-McCarthy (Chelliephone), Inkeri Aesir-McCarthy (VRSCIKA)
With eight children running around under foot, it wasn't often that Ro had time (or energy) to plan a date night for himself and his wife. They had a lot of people that offered to let them farm the gaggle of them out, and he and Inkeri did that often. However, it seemed like by the time the kids were split and delivered to the poor unsuspecting victims, he'd run out of energy to do anything but collapse into bed and sleep until pick up.
So tonight .. he'd planned better. They'd do date night IN. He lit a romantic candlelight dinner in their kitchen and put out plates of spaghetti, meatballs, salad and brownies. The dinner of champions. (Or tired parents.) He'd kept it a surprise too from Ink, but now that everything was prepared it was time to collect his wife. The man did just that, leaving the kitchen unattended.
And yet still when they waltzed back in, his hands over his wife’s eyes, the sight that greeted was not the one he'd left. But rather their oldest child, nomming on a brownie and watching as the tablecloth caught fire.