SPOILER!!: Aryan!
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He was eleven years old currently. Was he wise? Maybe, but it all came from just observing human nature and from learning about who he was and who he wanted to be as he grew older. “Both are. I think you should do you most of the times. As long as you’re doing good stuff, not bad stuff that’ll cause great harm, you know?” Like… Vera should be her as long as she didn’t go to the dark side by becoming a Dark Witch. “Being around plants is a good way to relax for that exact reason. You get to distract yourself by caring for them.’’ Ary tapped his chin thoughtfully. “We can say that goes for taking care of creatures too.” They both were therapeutic activities. “Why am I not surprised you have a snake?” he asked rhetorically with a laugh. “I think a snake suits you. I just can’t find the words to describe why. Does your entire family have snakes as pets then?”
As Vera explained her predicament, the clearer Ary saw it. “No.” It was his true opinion. “You’re not selfish. You;ve been accustomed to things being one way for so long. Having something suddenly changing the way things were is enough to mess with your feelings.” It was enough to drive anyone crazy. The Slytherin couldn’t help but wonder who Vera was referring to and what the situation was but he didn’t push for answers. He knew that people liked their privacy, anyway. “If it’s delayed, they only want you to be happy with the changes and to adjust to them as smoothly as possible, I reckon. I do think it’s something you and these people will need to talk about though. Not talking about stuff just makes people fill your silences with their own opinion of what you may be feeling and those opinions can be so wrong.” Listen, Ary didn’t know where this burst of philosophical words were coming from but he had been trying very hard to put himself in Vera’s shoes to understand what was bothering her. “It’s definitely not the same but it’s better than nothing, right?” Ary reached out to pat Vera’s nearest arm twice. “You and I will be okay.”
Maybe that's why she thought the young snake was wiser than herself. She hadn't been much of an observer when she was younger. Well, she wasn't much of an observer now either but perhaps if she knew that was a good component for intelligence she maybe would have tried to take it up. Maybe. She considered his words, before giving a small mischievous smile.
"How bad are we rating bad though?" She DID like to throw the occasional prank still, though nothing that would cause physical harm. Being a Dark Witch was nothing to worry about for her - she didn't have the stomach for that.
"They are definitely both good. I think for me, plants is better for having thinking time though. And creatures for like... a non-expectant socializing hour." She could hang out with creatures, talk to them, gives pets and pats if they liked that. But she didn't HAVE to keep a conversation going. And creatures didn't expect anything from her, except perhaps a treat here or there. While Aryan might not have known (or maybe he did), being told a snake suited her was perhaps one of the highest compliments. Ve had been obsessed with the reptiles as long as she could remember, and when she'd been finally granted permission to get Sass it had been a dream come true.
"I don't need a why. I'm just glad to hear it." She replied, a bright beam.
"Not all of us. My Papa actually has a crow, and Vasco has a cat." Which was endlessly amusing to her, though she could never pinpoint why. Giving another thought, she also added,
"My Papa's boyfriend has a gerbil, I think, too." Which could be a dangerous mix with their snakes but Ve was very good at making sure Sass was in her enclosure at home. OR safely twined around her arm.
She was surprised by how sure he sounded in his no, and she quietly listened to his further explanation, really THINKING about the words he was saying as he did so. She could see where he was coming from in regards to her having difficulty with adjusting as to being something natural - and she did agree with that. But there was also the fact that delaying changes could just... mean that she never really was forced to come to terms with them. And THAT wasn't an option either. Perhaps it was her stubbornness speaking, but as far as she could see, it was just easier to jump head first into what was coming and she'd flounder her way through things until she found new footing. But because she appreciated how much Aryan was putting consideration into her predicament, and into his words as he talked about it, she couldn't bring herself to dismiss it without giving some more thought.
"Maybe you have a point. I probably should just talk to the other people involved." What if she spoke to just Raju? Maybe that would be better. He wouldn't have the same attachment to solely her feelings like Papa might have. But she also didn't know if she was brave enough to do that right now.
"Either way. I think you're right - we will both be okay. We just have to give ourselves some grace." She grinned at the young snake.
And it was only then too she could feel a loud rumbling growing in her stomach - a sign that the physical exertion of her earlier running and climbing all the way up here was catching up with her.
"I think we might be okay faster if we get some food." She half joked, an attempt to lighten the mood as she grinned at him again.
"Want to join me in going back down to the Great Hall?"