Thread: Dungeons: Spirit Room
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Old 11-01-2023, 02:38 PM   #15 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Bryony had the right idea - no nook or cranny should go unexplored. The castle was huge and there was SO many hidden things here and there. And only seven years to find them all! So taking advantage of going here and there and here again while she had the chance, before studying and coursework got way harder, was absolutely the correct way to go about things. Not that Ve would have expected anything different from the youngest Paton.

Considering that's how she did things too. Which she was also very literally working on now, as Vera moved about the room looking this way and that to see if any of the ghosts were hanging out just hidden out of view. She had just about determined she was in fact alone in the room, when the voice sounded beside her and caused her to jump a bit. Though that was soon followed by a giggle as she spotted who had joined her. "Unfortunately, apparently no one today. I was hopefully there was an event to crash. What brings you down here?"
See, Bryony knew that Vera was smart. The fact that she understood how important it was to explore and have time for adventures proved that. What she really liked about the older girl though, was that she was not only fun to be around, much like her own sisters when they had time for her (yes she knew they had their own students as well this year...) but she also didn't question every single thing that Bry did. It was nice to not always be immediately suspected of something.

Oops! Bry giggled a little herself when she heard the older girls laughter at making her jump. If there was anywhere to spook someone accidentally, this was it. "Aaww, well that's no fun." If there wasn't anything happening here, what were they meant to do in this room? "I'm exploring and I can't leave any of the rooms out." She could miss something that way and she didn't want to take any chances. "Do you come in here a lot?"
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