Thread: Hogsmeade: Hog's Head
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Old 10-22-2023, 07:35 PM   #21 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vera Brinley Thanatos

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Fifth Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
This was so much fun! Did her siblings know that? Getting to spend time with each of them was a normal occurrence but it was getting a little trickier to find the time to all be together. Not so much on her part but mainly because they were studying a lot. Which she did understand and wasn't outwardly complaining about. Much. Today. They were welcome. She wasn't about to go and ruin a perfectly good day.

Vesper wasn't exactly on the same mind track as her older sister in terms of possibly speaking about their papa today but this was quite alright. If she didn't like how things were going, she would just.. casually change the topic. That was the way she did things. Right now though, the person she wanted to be like most in the world was talking about FOOD! "I don't know but I hope they have something warm to drink." She rubbed her hands together as she entered the placed right behind her big sister, already looking around.

It had been a little while since they had done something nice with just the three of them. Something that didn't involve sitting for hours on end and studying. Not that he didn't enjoy reading, he did. Only studying for OWLs all term was.. a lot. Even if he wasn't helping his twin catch up on a fair bit more than he expected. He didn't mind though, as long as Vera was learning everything she needed to in order to pass her exams.

Getting some food with his sisters was exactly what they all needed. A small break from lessons where they could relax and talk about random things that weren't school. Vasco followed both girls into the Hogs Head, seeking out an empty table for them to sit at. "I'm sure there's plenty that we'll all eat, even if we get a few things to share." Which actually sounded like a rather good idea to him.
Vera at least knew that - that this was fun. As much teasing and everything that she gave her twin, both of them were two of her most favorite people in the entire universe. And with age, a dash of maturity and a whooooole lot of gratitude for how much time Vasco was spending on her - she was getting a little better about not intentionally trying to annoy him to no end. She wasn’t perfect, so she still did occasionally, but what kind of healthy sibling relationship didn’t have SOME teasing? Besides - that was also just a way that she showed her affection.

“I’m sure we could find something warm! I think I’ll do a hot butterbeer actually.” Hot cocoa was another good option, but not as rich as what she was currently craving. Finding a booth, she led the siblings that direction, picking one side and sliding all the way into it in case one of them wanted to join her. If they both wanted the other side, no big deal, she could just stretch her legs across it then. “I like the idea of getting some things to share! We should each pick a dish that sounds like either one of our favorite meals or similar to our favorite meals and then we should pick something that we haven’t tried before. Add some adventure to our meal time!” She picked up one of the menus, scanning through it.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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