Originally Posted by
ok missy. you are being so hard on yourself! Your drawings are GOOD. and your phoenix is very good. I like the style of sketch there. and the triwizard trophy OMG. I LOVE THE DETAIL!
Well we are always our own worst critics! But thank you!!! yea somehow that trophy came out better than i thought it would. THANK YOU
Originally Posted by
You are super talented, mama!

I especially enjoyed your interpretation of 'Portable Swamp'!
Thank youuu Aliiiibaby

Yea I had some fun making pun of that one
Originally Posted by
*finally getting in here to witness the talent*
Twinneh!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you! these are so good! Portable swamp is def my fave

Great job hunny!!! I can't wait to see what's next!

Thanks twin :3 I definitely took advantage of a play on words with that one lol
Originally Posted by
Oooh; that Triwizard cup has lots of amazing details, and I think it looks very symmetrical! You seem to have a knack for that.

I also think the eraser effect on the foe glass worked awesomely.
And I especially love the cute little person on the Witch/Wizard card. C.B Awesome is awesome, indeed.
How many times can I say awesome?!

I think it's some of the patterns within the cup that I wasn't being hard about the symmetry
thank you, dear
Originally Posted by
Oh oh oh oh ooooooooooooh lots to catch up on
I had a laugh at portable swamp

in my head that was Newt's briefcase and in it a swamp load of creatures

That phoenix is Fawkes flying off CRYING after Dumbledore's demise, okay? Okay. Huzzah for smudges for the foe glass effect! Next time you can try using your finger to smudge if you don't mind getting it a little dirty

that's what I do when I smudge my white gel pen for a similar effect. Really like how you captured the glass part of the Triwizard Cup so show that it is a 3D object - its subtle but very much there! I am curious as to who C.B ... Puksope (???) is

This is what happens when i go haywire and do three a day to try to catch myself up
Glad you had a laugh at portable swamp

It's definitely Newt's briefcase

Oooh I like that idea for smudges. I think I've done that before ... i just used the eraser because well, it was fairly useless as an eraser anyway. Also now that i look at the cup again i'm finding little tweaks i could make. Perhaps if i get some markers I'll go back through once the month is over

C.B. Awesome is this infamous wizard from thousands of years. He's so infamous that no one has heard of him !!! LOL