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Getting to go to Hogsmeade was more exciting than she’d been led to believe, from mum and dad’s stories. But then, Ari was fairly sure that there were plenty of things her parents were selectively choosing not to tell her til she was older, anyhow. But…she really didn’t understand why Hogsmeade was one of those things.
Either way, mum had sent extra funds in her last letter before the Hogsmeade weekend had come, saying it was so the smol one could buy some Christmas presents. She’d taken that to heart, as she’d made sure to tuck the coins securely into a pocket of her warm coat as she’d gotten ready to come, dark blonde hair in two plaits sticking out from her knit cap. Except, the first place she had found herself drawn to was the candy shop. Candy could be Christmas presents, right?
But where to start? Hmmm. There was almost too much to choose from.
With a sign that read “THIS HUMAN NEEDS A BREAK. WILL BE BACK IN HALF AN HOUR.” magically attached to the door or Scrivenshaft’s Tony Killingworth had fed the cats before beginning his journey to the sweetshop with his little furry companion. That’s right. Goose the cat had decided he wanted to come along too by sprinting out of Scrivenshaft’s after Tony. Resigned that the stubborn cat would not rest peacefully with the others Tony had found a cat-sized onesie patterned with Fat Father Christmases, candy canes and Christmas trees.
Tony stepped into the warmth of Honeydukes with Goose tucked under an arm.
“Your best behaviour, Goose. You promised.” After the words were said, Tony put the cat down. He would keep Goose in sight but in the meanwhile he would remove his beanie and scarf as it wasn’t very cold in Honeydukes. This was done just in time to see his companion trotting over to a small Hogwartian against whom’s foot he attempted to rub his head on. Goose, the friendly cat, was trying to make a friend.