For Kath <3 HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more There was a part of Fynley that was tempted to arrange to meet in Puddifoots, mostly because he knew that Joseph would absolutely hate it and the thought of them being this pair of tall almost seventeen year old boys surrounded by teacups, doilies and doting couples was hilarious. But with everything that Joseph had been going through so far this year and that Fynley himself would probably become nauseated by the over-the-top nature of the tea room, it was the Hogs Head that he chose for their ‘date.’
If that was what it was? The thing with their relationship was that they were as much friends as they were a couple and being together hadn’t exactly changed that.
Having arrived alone from the Library where the sixth year had shockingly been attempting his homework so that he wouldn’t be forced to do it over the holidays, he headed straight over to the much quieter pub and leaned against the wall next to the door casually. He didn’t care that the pub was slightly worn down or that it wasn’t as attractive as its street companion, the food was decent and it hadn’t been infiltrated with loud younger years. To be honest he was just glad for the change in scenery, life in the castle was starting to become monotonous.
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