Stealsie?! Oh, no no no. Algamus did not stealsie the snacksies. That would not have been a nicesie thingsie to dosie. He wasn't a bad elfsie. Algamus was being a very good elfsie by filling up hungry bellies. Yes, he was. Missus' no needs to be pinchsies, that would hurtsie. Missus' wides awakesie. All the awakesies to enjoysie her pudding!" Algamus bounced up and down again in excitement upon hearing Anna's confirm on how delicious the pudding was. "Algamus knows! He does! The studentsies are happsie now Beezley! Happsie studentsie are learning studentsies!"
See, Algamus was helping, yes he was! He was helping the studentsies learnsie and not be hungries no moresie! He was being the best leader elfsie!
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