astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf Anna could not remember why she was skipping around on the ground floor of the castle. Had she been on her way to the common room? Maybe she had been heading OUT to the grounds to continue her investigation of the haunted boathouse? Maybe she had been heading towards the staircases to try her luck with the bronze knocker again or...maybe she was meant to be on her way to class. Unfortunately her bag offered no clues, no surprise there since she had not been great at remembering her class materials and only actually owned one of her textbooks, and her broken remembrall was certainly no help...but here she was and with the most delighted smile upon her features because her path happened to bring her close to two of the Hogwarts house elves.
Her skips slowed considerably when she caught the profile of who she was preeeeeeeetty sure was Algamus because, well, if ANY of the house elves were going to be cross about the mess her and Aurora had made last term it was going to be him. He wasn't alone though and Beezley had an air about her that made Algamus less intimidating AND she couldn't see a broom anywhere sooooooooooooo she continued her approach until she could hear their conversation proper.
"Is that pudding?!" the Hufflepuffle chirped, a rhetorical question but it felt necessary as the delight in her eyes sparkled. "'s not the lunch hour, is it?" Wait...WAS it and had she completely forgotten the time? Wouldn't be the first. Regardless, her tummy did give a tiny little rumble. Had she forgotten breakfast? No, no she most certainly remembered eating toast smothered in raspberry jam.
__________________  When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes |