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Old 09-06-2023, 11:14 PM   #93 (permalink)

Fanfiction Mod
4 Privet Drive Mod

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: State of Confusion
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vera Brinley Thanatos
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Third Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

At the compliment of him being the best, Davet just chuckled softly and raised an eyebrow, a small shake of his head while letting his curls bounce a bit to the sides. "You sir, are the one who had to do majority of the work. Which I think makes you the best between the pair of us." Which he would argue until he was blue in the face. AND he would have back up considering Jude's younger sister was home now as well. This was one debate in which he was certain he could actually win. "Princess and love stories. You got it!" Giving Jude another kiss to the cheek, Dav retreated for just a moment to peruse their shelves. He happened to be a fan of watching things on DVD, probably because he preferred to just know what was his favorites and have them easily acceptable. With directions in mind, he pulled out Ever After - the Cinderella retelling, Beauty and the Beast - the original animated version, and the Princess Bride in case they wanted comedy and romance. As a last choice too, he also pulled out Tuck Everlasting. Not Princess-y, but decent actors and the scenery was beautiful.

Heading back to the pair of siblings, Davet set down his finds on the coffee table pushed off to the side, before approaching them both and giving Keighley a quick squeeze and Jude another kiss to the temple. "It's good to have you back, Keighley." He said softly, smiling at her before moving away to let the siblings continue their embrace. "I'll get started on hot chocolates for everyone while you guys settle in. Keigh, what do you usually like on yours?"
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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