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It was true, Helena’s appearance was still sunken and gaunt but she was doing her best to improve. At least her hair was neatly kept today in a bun. While her visitor proved not to be her father {thankfully}, Helena stood there frowning. “I know you,’’ the words came forth slowly. But how did she know this woman? Helena frowned in concentration in an attempt to place this face.
Jane smiled at Helena's words. She seemed much less nervous than Violet had described her in previous encounters. "That's right. We went to school together, years ago--to Hogwarts, do you remember it? We were good friends then, even though we were in different Houses. I've missed seeing you all these years." Jane was a person of very even temperament in general, and during her years of working as a governess, she had cultivated a voice of the utmost gentleness and reasonableness.
Violet stayed standing near the doorway, not wanting to interfere with whatever was going to happen. She had the utmost confidence in her old governess's ability to solve any problem, a confidence lingering from her childhood. And besides, Violet wanted to be able to head off anyone who might burst through the door and interrupt them.