Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Sophia rested her elbows on the table, tapping her fingers in absolutely no rhythm at all as name after name was called. She tried not to look too interested in all those Grimaldis getting sorted, focusing instead on her fingernails as they were sorted. Their presence certainly explained the amount of cameras on the train. She wondered if all those kids were nice at all, or whether they'd think they were better than everyone.
This was lasting forever. Sophia stretched her legs out under the table, then realized she was invading the other side's leg room. Well, her feet were already there, so she tapped Giselle's foot with her own to get her attention, before leaning forward across the table to whisper loudly enough for her dormmate (and anyone seated nearby) to hear. "I think we're getting all the good first years," she whispered. Not necessarily meaning there was anything wrong with the eleven-year-olds sorted into other houses. But she hadn't gotten a good look at the others, and those who were joining their table seemed especially promising. Some of them looked very confident, and even the girl who'd started before she got all the way to the table looked kind and competent. |