~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Hartley actually went and crashed into a few of those chairs, knocking them helter skelter. Not on purpose though… he just happened to ignore the fact that any sort of furniture posed a threat of inflicting bodily harm. Blame it on the burst of happiness he was currently experiencing. “OUCH!’’ The littlest toe on his right foot collided with a chair and… man! THE AGONY!!! Hart soon found himself hopping on his left foot and clutching at his toe, which felt as though the bone had smashed, by the way.
It was exactly in this position that Evan found him. “I did,’’ Hart managed through gritted teeth. Geez, this was quite the way to celebrate the exciting news, wasn’t it? Taking a deep breath, he tested his stance on the injured foot. The toe was violently throbbing but thankfully not broken. “Archaeology, that’s the one!” Hart managed a genuine grin. “Thanks, Evan! I start in September. I’ll still be working so you might be seeing less of me but we’ll still be flatmates- flatties? -, okay?” Because Hartley loved having Evan as a companion, no matter how different they were. In any case, they had always meshed together quite well. |