Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein He’d settled into living out of the house pretty quickly. Evan had gotten lucky that around the time Nesting Occamy opened he’d been looking for a place, and even luckier still when his long-time friend and History of Magic mentor had been looking as well. Evan knew they had a difference in personalities, but their interests were very similar and he’d often got along with people polar opposite from him and even successfully lived with his siblings so.. It had seemed like it could be a good pairing.
And truthfully, so far so good. It was nice having someone with whom he could discuss things he’d learned that day at school or ask further explanation on things that were only mentioned in passing in class from his historian flatmate. He wasn’t quite sure what benefits he brought to the table outside of the shared rent, but you wouldn’t catch him complaining.
Hearing the loud whoop from the living room, Evan made his way out into the hall from his room and headed out, turning the corner towards where their dining set was located - juuuust in time to grab a chair that had been knocked askew before it topped over. “Congratulations!” He said, a grin on his face. “You got accepted into the archaeology program?” He was pretty certain that was the only think Hart had applied for, but he wanted to be certain.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |