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Old 08-15-2023, 09:30 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Default Sammy!
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Phoebe was almost done with her Hogwarts shopping, but she still needed equipment for her potions class. Today, she slipped away (with permission) from the Stemp House group and entered the Slug & Jiggers apothecary. She had a list of things she needed- phials, a cauldron (though she wanted to get those at Potage's Cauldron Shop), a basic potion kit, and some brass scales.

She wanted to be straightforward with her shopping- she got distracted by the leather book of potions, carefully perusing the pages and taking pictures of the recipes that seemed the most interesting and useful. They were too hard for her, but not too hard for her big brother Noah! She wanted to show them to him, because he was a PROPER POTIONS EXPERT. This detour took at least ten minutes. NOW she was ready to be straightforward. She found herself a pair of brass scales (the nicest and most precise set she could find), and then a set of phials. She was supposed to be getting glass, but she'd found a galleon on the ground and she treated herself to some nice crystal ones! Now for the basic potions kit- she knew just where those were, and she made a beeline towards them, feeling like a properly efficient shopper.

There was one problem: Phoebe couldn't reach, not even on her tippiest toes. Not even if she jumped a little bit (she tried this repeatedly). She wished one of the nice adults she knew or at least a nice older kid was here because they were TALL. Above 5 feet tall, at least...

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