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Old 08-12-2023, 06:26 PM   #1092 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: State of Confusion
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vera Brinley Thanatos

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mandrake Beery
Fifth Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Roulan Liu
Charms Professor

Looks like: Michelle Yeoh
Post Code: #47A288

Come, as you are
Name: Roulan Liu
Nicknames: Rue
Age: 64
Birthday: April 4th, 2049
Birth Place: Beijing, China
Blood Status: Halfblood
Myers-Brigg Personality Type: ESFP
Relationship Status: Spinistered (and ecstatic about it)
As you were
Mother: Mingyu Liu (deceased)
Father: Hong Liu (deceased)
Sibling(s): Ye Liu (estranged)
Nephew: Mengyao Liu (deceased)
Other relatives: Guowei Russell-Liu (great-nephew), Liquin Russell-Liu (great-niece)
As I want you to be
School: Castelobruxo
House: Delphine
Year: Graduated in 2067
Strongest subjects: Charms, Divination
Weakest Subjects: Arithmancy
University: WizU: Antarctica

SPOILER!!: Test Scores
Ancient Runes - P
Astronomy - E
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Divination - O
Flying - A
Herbology - E
History of Magic - O
Muggle Studies - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

Care of Magical Creatures - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
Divination - O
Herbology - E
History of Magic - E
Muggle Studies - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

As a friend
Hair: Black, long with some natural wave
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Build: Fairly slim, can see muscle in her arms and legs from a lifetime of activity - did sustain an injury in 2109 that has left her with a slight limp in her left leg, uses a cane in the colder months when feels it more
Take your time, hurry up

2067 - 2071 - Enrolled in WizU at the Antartica campus; majored in Charms and minored in Gobbledygook
2071 - 2074 - Was offered a position in R&D at a location in Antartica, often did guest lectures to explain their new findings at her alma mater uni
2074 - 2109 - Freelanced in Experimental Charms. Sold her ideas over the years to fund her travels and wrote a multitude of essays that have been since published.
2109 - 2111 - Worked as a private tutor in London sharing her years of knowledge to individual students. Saw the posting for Hogwarts and decided teaching full time was not the worst idea in the world.
The choice is yours, don't be late

SPOILER!!: Roulan; a History
Roulan Liu was born to her parents on April 4th, 2049. She was raised in a stable, albeit aloof home, alongside her younger brother - Ye. When Roulan turned 11, she was excited to receive a letter with an invitation inviting her to attend one of the great magic schools - like her father had before her. Her parents wanted her to go to Koldostovetz, however when reviewing her options she realized Castelobruxo took transfers and she wanted to explore as much of the world as possible (and be far away from her parents in the process), so she requested the transfer and was approved. She attended all seven years at Castelobruxo, falling in love with Brazil in the meantime. When she graduated, she knew she had an affinity and a great like for Charms - especially in the experimental field, as Roulan loves pushing the boundaries of what SHOULD be and finding out what CAN be. It was a no brainer for her on what to study, but the WHERE was harder as she still had the itch to see the world.

Throwing a dart (literally), she landed on Antartica and enrolled in the satellite campus there. It was cold and dark and was perhaps not the happiest time of Roulan’s life, but she liked the experience of being able to say that’s what her past held. It was during this time that Roulan had her only lasting relationship - one that convinced her to take an R&D position and stay in Antartica to be close to him, despite how much her soul was ready to move on. Roulan stayed there for 4 years before ending her relationship and choosing to work freelance to where she could go wherever her heart took her.

From there, Roulan flitted around the world - pursuing whatever interested her and selling her research and essays she compiled to fund her lifestyle. It was a good life, answering to only herself. With a bit of a daredevil streak, she was able to also chase whatever thrills she encountered - skydiving, bungee jumping, crocodile wrestling. It was through these things that Roulan found her joy - and yet also later in life, became her undoing. In 2109 she had been bungee jumping in a ravine in the middle of a forest, when the charms she’d been attempting to use for protection (experimental, of course, as that was not their intended use) failed and she slammed into a wall on her left side - injuring her leg and her arm badly in the process. Her arm was able to be healed, but despite best efforts of many a potioneer and healer, her leg was never right again. Roulan was left with a dull ache and a limp which told her it was time to give her now 61 year old body a rest.

It was from here she began dipping her toes into sharing her lifetime of experiences through teaching. She enjoyed it one on one, encouraging students to follow their own passions, and when she saw the opening for Hogwarts she applied on a whim in order to see if she could be a positive influence on even a greater amount. It was with surprise she received the acceptance letter - but the pleasant sort. Roulan immensely looked forward to beginning her full time teaching career in fall of 2111.

Take a rest as a friend
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start

Last edited by Chelliephone; 04-20-2024 at 08:40 PM.
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