Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
I really love having direction and challenges for finding melt reads throughout the year, so this year I had started off with the goal of completing three different reading challenges and a goal of 50 books. It didn't take long though for all the prompts to make reading start to feel more like a chore and not something I love to do, so a few months ago I ditched all but TBS (my fave) and I'm learning to just love reading again! I found some Greek mythology re-tellings, which are always a fave for me to jumpstart, and I have finally actually started my FIRST read through of Percy Jackson! This has been a fun one already, not just because of the content and storytelling but my kids actually were interested by the cover and requested that we read it together so now we've started a new bed time ritual of a chapter a night. Which presents it's own difficulty of not reading ahead, but it's also really special to experience this with them so I'm refraining!
As for giving up on books, I used to be deadset against but in recent years I'm more open to doing so if the book is poorly written or super uninteresting. If it's something that I think is an important message or theme, I'll take a break and return to it later if I'm struggling but otherwise... Like Laura said, there are just so many other books!
I would love to see some suggestions though for some of y'all's favorites! What's been your latest obsession series??
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |