Hello friends! Anyone want to discuss their progress on their TBS reading challenge or their other goals? Need suggestions for prompts or to get out of reading slumps? Discovered any new genres that you're into at the moment or found your way back to reading after a while?
I'm only just catching up on my yearly reading goal myself and have been doing a few rereads of old favourites (Percy Jackson and Hunger Games, to be specific) which have woken up the book loving monster inside me (and, come to think of it, the writer monster inside of me too) again. Big recommend if anyone is in a reading slump. Comfort reads/old faves help me along every time.
But also I'm halfway through a few books that are either very long and difficult to stick with (but not uninteresting) or very dull and dense and for no good reason I am too stubborn to give up on them

Anyone else have that problem or are you more than willing to DNF a book?