Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein She simply would have agreed with his point in that regard. Suresh's stubborness HAD been handy, very much so, as without it there's no way they would be where they would currently. Sur's stubborness had been good for them, Advi's had been their roadblock. There was one that was leaps and bounds better than the other. "Should we take bets on who will cry the hardest out of our family?" Themselves included as well, of course. She'd been emotional as it was telling her husband. She could hardly imagine the excitement and hormones that would come with telling the parents.
Her husband was the only thing she thought worth a high level of confidence such as she had. He had not let her down in their time together, and she was certain he never would. Suresh was the kindest, most driven, smartest individual she knew. And perhaps that opinion came with a little bias, but some of those traits were also what had made him so irresistible... and that had been pretty bias. At the suggestion of carrying her, she nearly laughed but would have offered a teasing agreement, except before she could do so he'd already scooped her into his arms. With a small squeal, she wrapped hers around his neck, planting another kiss on his cheek. "My Knight in Shining Armour." |