Thread: Hogsmeade: Shrieking Shack
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Old 06-20-2023, 03:12 PM   #25 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Unlike his friend, Logan's 'plan' was overly simple and did not account for anything wrong that could have resulted. He at least had enough sense to not blow up the place, but it would be best that all of the planning be done by Vasco. The likelihood of them being successful and walking away unscathed or in serious trouble was drastically higher.

"I guess that depends on what the simple way is and how overly complicated the long way is. And what was the option that could have gotten us killed? That actually sounds like a fun challenge to me," the blond commented right away.

A brief pause followed, allowing him enough time to actually consider the options as he joined his friend in taking a good look at the shack. Seemed pretty quiet in there, at least from where they were standing. "How about we do the easy way first? If that doesn't work, then we give the stupid complicated way a go." Then, as an afterthought, he added, "And if that doesn't work, we blast our way in."
This is where Logan would be incorrect. Always assuming that Vasco had a plan. It may have sounded like he had one but the truth of the matter was this... he didn't. Now whether or not that would become an issue wouldn't be known until all was said and done. So they were just going to have to choose one of the options of how to get in and well.. wing it.

"The easy way is just this. Easy. We hope the fence, hope no one sees us and make our way for the place." Really it was all too simple. Keep a lookout for one another and just go for it. Whatever happened, happened. Obviously they would be cautious but also it would be much quicker and more daring. "Option two takes more planning which I didn't do but it would involve charms to keep us from being seen and making sure nothing gets messed up or broken along the way. A safer route in too for sure." Which is what they did have their wands for, just saying. Now that option we passed up already. Something to do with the Whomping Willow back on the grounds at Hogwarts." So there was no real need to go into all the details right now about it since they were already here.

Still looking at the shack there was a nod of his head. Easy way it is. Look at him being agreeable and going along with things.
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