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Old 06-19-2023, 03:59 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Laini Gracae-Ryans
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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Jonah was not at all clumsy. Just... unsteady, really. Nobody needed to know that.

Jonah listened carefully to the woman's reply, immediately picking up on her impatience. "I see. I won't get in your way of your important shopping, then." He eyed the shelf she was looking at, then sighed, complaining to himself quietly that he hated shopping and all apothecaries should have scar cream somewhere obvious. He moved methodically down the aisle, not wanting to admit defeat and try another store. He passed the potion she was in need of, but of course did not know it. Now he was in the medical-oriented part of the store. Surely he'd find what he was looking for here???
She didn't mean to sound impatient. Honest. Just. She was just. She wanted to get this potion and get out of here as soon as possible lest anyone see her with it. "Thanks," she replied, ducking her head and feeling somewhat embarrassed.

She was, however, quite thankful that he didn't press. But. But that didn't mean that she wasn't aware of his struggle too. "Scar cream?" She looked over at him before he entirely walked away. She had heard him complaining to himself. And. And maybe a distraction would be nice. Something to make her feel less weird about the interaction, at least. "I know where they keep that if you need help finding it," she offered, her voice soft.

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