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Old 06-13-2023, 02:59 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Vera! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
On the contrary, Professor Khanna, it was ALWAYS a good idea to host classes outside in this Gryffindor's book. The cold could always be combated with outerwear, which was why the 15 year old had all but disappeared under her jumper and a large red and gold scarf wrapped a few times around herself and covering majority of her lower face. "Hi Professor!" She chirped, though the yarn in front of her mouth certainly left it muffled, as she skipped her way over towards one of the open logs and carefully sat down on it.

She kept her feet kicking in front of her as she waited for other students to arrive, making no move to unburrow herself from the warmth she'd created. She WAS curious though what they would be doing for the day, though looking around at the surroundings she hadn't yet noticed any guesses. Maybe something with the Willow? Was that why they were outside?

Oooooh maybe they'd play dodge branch with the tree! That was a fun game and reflexes were important, right? Even if that wasn't the lesson, she tucked the idea away to give them later.

Seeing Vera approach all wrapped snugly, Dhruv was immediately reminded that they should set up a clothes rack for students to hang their excess clothing should they get too warm. “Hello, Ms. Thanatos.’’ A clothes rack complete with hangers suddenly appeared a short distance from the board, complete with hangers. “Feel free to hang your clothing up should you get extra toasty.” That way she wouldn’t have to be sounding muffled during the entire lesson.

SPOILER!!: Mercer! <3
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
A reasonable wizard would be fully bundled up for an outdoor class in January. A teenage boy, never really considered reasonable, would just as likely show up in shorts and flip-flops and be puzzled about being cold the entire time. Mercer was fully a teenage boy, albeit a Ravenclaw one, so he at least had closed shoes and a jacket, but his cheeks were red-apple-cold and his nose was running like a faucet.

He was having just the BEST time.

"Hi, professor! Very cool shades. Or cold shades, maybe?" Mercer laughed at himself and sat down, giving Vera a wave.

Some students clearly enjoyed the cold despite setbacks. Not the bright red cheeks but the running nose. “Mr. Branxton. Thank you.” Yes, they were laughing at the little joke there. “Before you go… here.” Quickly Dhruv conjured a handkerchief and handed it off. “For your nose.” Maybe Mercer would also find the need to pay a visit to the Healer to grab a bit of Pepperup Potion later.

SPOILER!!: Daniel! <3
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
As he walked over the Grounds for his next lesson, his shoes crunched the frozen grass beneath him. He wore his Hufflepuff scarf and black gloves, which he kept hidden in his robe pocket. To keep himself warm, he drew the hood of his winter robe over his head.

Daniel took a brief look around as he approached the area and counted the tree stumps lined up before turning his head to look at the Professor standing at the chalkboard."Professor" he said in greeting as he lowered his hood to, you know, show who he was before walking over to a tree stump and taking a seat.

He set his shoulder bag beside the stump and stared into the distance, his mind wandered to the latest book he was reading. It had been a long time since a book had captivated him, and he finally found one last night.

He hoped lunchtime started soon so that he could continue to read the story.

One look at Daniel and anyone would think, ‘Hufflepuff Pride’. At least those words came to Dhruv’s mind immediately. “Mr. Yoon.” Seconds later, they would wonder what was occupying the seventh year’s attention that much. They hoped it was nothing stressful.

SPOILER!!: Brandox! <3
Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Brandon loved going outside. The cold... he supposed... was alright... ish... (Brandon did NOT like the cold.) During the cold winter months, he was satisfied with remaining indoors where it was safe. It had never occurred to him that the professors could cast weather charms outside! He looked around the "classroom" with wide eyes, trying to make the warm temperature and the cold winter weather make sense at the same time. Professor Khanna was so cool! He chose a stump in one of the purple boxes. Were these personal space boxes? He liked the idea of that. "Hi Professor! What are your sunglasses for if it's not snowing enough to reflect lots of sunlight back into your eyes?"

Dhruv, in all modesty, did not think they could possibly impress Brandon even more. Apparently this was far from the truth as the awe was clearly written on the second year’s face. “Hallo, Mr. Fox.” They grinned. “Oh, you know me. I’m addicted to my shades.” They patted the right side of the frame fondly.

SPOILER!!: Fynley! <3
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Ordinarily Fynn would describe himself as being an outdoor loving type of boy. Sporty and energetic, he found solace in enjoying the fresh air and open space that the grounds would provide. An outdoor lesson on a cold day in January however didn’t sound like his ideal Defence Against the Dark Arts session. Once they would get going he was sure it would be okay as their bodies would warm up but he didn’t appreciate the walk out from the castle and over towards where todays lesson would be held.

Fynley had thankfully actually thought about what the weather would be like before stepping out into the grounds and therefore had his thicker jumper on to somewhat cover himself as his feet crunched over the frozen ground. He was relieved when he arrived at the tree stumps and the area around was instantly warmed up by some sort of enchantment. “Hey Prof” he greeted Professor Khanna with a friendly nod before picking his stump to flop down on.

Fear not! Dhruv {and all the other Hogwarts professors} had the students’ best interests at heart. There was no way they would ever let one freeze. “Mr. Ellis. Hello, hello.” Bask in the warmth, young Ravenclaw!

SPOILER!!: Kion! <3
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Kion was normally the type to go without a jacket in the chilling winters. Partially for sharing his jacket but also from his rare stubbornness to "tough it out" every now and then since it felt bulky on his frame. But he did wear a nice thick jumper to compensate with his gloves. "Hello Professor," He smiled.

The fifteen-year old then went over to a spot to remain and chill (no pun intended) until the lesson began.

“Hello to you as well, Mr. Ingebretson.” Dhruv offered Kion a smile, noting the Gryffindor was not overly dressed for the weather. Some students were like that, the sort that thrived in the cold.

SPOILER!!: Desiree! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Desiree was in a pretty good mood today, despite the weather. To quote Elsa, “The cold never bothered [her] anyway.” She knew how to do warming charms and had placed one on her cloak and scarf before she left the castle. Between her spell and her winter gear, she was nice and toasty warm as she made her way to today’s DADA lesson.

“Hello, Professor Khanna,” she greeted with a wave and a cheerful smile. Her smile grew as she noticed the purple lines around the stumps. Ooh, one of her favorite colors! “Nice color choice for those lines!” She wondered what the lines were for, but she knew better than to ask. She’d been at Hogwarts long enough to know that professors generally didn’t give away lesson information right away!

Oh well, she supposed she’d find out soon enough. Still contemplating the purple lines, she took a seat on the nearest stump and waited for the lesson to begin.

Desiree was in the sprite mood today it seemed. “Ms. Marchand, hello.” Oh! She approved of the colour. Lovely! “I’m glad you approve. They’ll be there for the duration of the lesson.” Wasn’t that a treat for her?

SPOILER!!: Sable! <3
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
The “captain’s” jacket was absolutely back, mostly because of the weather. A little bit less oversized but still giving Sable Ileana enough to wear one of her jumpers borrowed from her mum underneath, as she’d made her way out to the grounds for the next DADA lesson. The cold didn’t bother her anyway, and all. It was easy to just pretend any breezes were coming off the lake. Pirate stuff. And besides, she knew the lesson was bound to be interesting. Defense lessons usually were, even if they were just about Dark creatures. There was a reason she’d listed the subject as one of her favorites in the job consultation thing.

Gryffindor scarf half-wrapped around her head, covering her blonde hair, she’d skipped down to the meeting area and given the professor a grin. “Hey Professor Khanna. What’s going to happen today?”

Not that she actually expected an answer to her question, as she’d claimed the stump next to Vera, nudging the other girl before plopping down cross-legged on the wood. Just because she felt like it. Not because her feet were cold or anything.

This certainly was one happy, skippy Gryffindor. Sable, in Dhruv’s opinion, would give Vera a run for her money. “Hello, Ms. Armstrong.” They returned the grin with a mysterious one of their own. “Only time will tell.”

SPOILER!!: Anna! <3
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Her feet could not move quickly enough today.

The problem with an excitable Anna was that she tended forget things. More so than usual anyway. Today was no exception and, well, she HAD remember a VERY important document she just HAD to pass along but not so much the fact that she probably should have bundled up considering the time of year and weather. She was in her standard robes at least...though her skirt and rainbow toe socks were not doing that well at keeping her pale skin from goosebumping. Her scarf had fallen off at some point between the castle and here, something she only realized once she arrived buuuuuuuuuut there wasn't time to go back and look for it now. Hopefully it would be there along the path once she started making her way back.

Not paying attention to where she plopped herself and ALSO making sure that she wasn't TOO obvious as she serpentined her way about the place so she could oh-so strategically drop a much more carefully folded note on to the Seraphic Princess of Joy and Beauty's lap before making her way over to her own seat tooooootally on the opposite side of the group. Sitting too close would raise SUSPICIONS! Only pity being that the actual contents of her letter, the living flesh version, was not here yet so it was going to be harder to gauge reactions.

Whistling softly, another way to make one look less suspicious, Anna stumble stepped in front of Vera and dropped the note almost just as she had planned. She actually dropped it a little prematurely and had to scramble to pick it up then take a couple more totally casual skips and pause and THEN dropped it into her lap.


The third year pressed her finger to her lips and without waiting too long had skipped off to find a spot for herself. One where she was in a pretty good position to observe her idol.

Oh, almost forgot!

"Good day, professor!" she greeted with very rosy cheeks and a nose that might put some reindeer to shame. "Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? Is that why you have sunglasses on?" See? Striking up conversation. Tooooootally casual and absolutely constantly glancing back at Vera eagerly.

Oh my. Dhruv sincerely hoped that Anna had not given herself frostbite on the journey from the Castle to the outdoors. Behind their shades, he observed the upbeat Hufflepuff dropping notes off. Colour them amused and curious! But the contents of the notes were not their business, just as long as they weren't going to bring about any disruption the lesson. “Good day to you, Ms. Walles.” Dhruv peered over the shades at the Hufflepuff to toss her a wink. “It’s just a habit I’ve had since my teenage days. In case you’re wondering, that’s many, many years ago.”

SPOILER!!: Nadia! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Was Nadia okay with an outdoor class in January? Well for the most part. But let’s just say she made sure to bundle up from her Gryffindor scarf right down to her warm boots to keep her going in hopes that heating charms would be prevalent at their meeting place. And thankfully Professor Khanna didn’t disappoint.

“Good day Professor,” the Gryffindor greeted the defense professor, taking in the layout of the area as if it would hold clues as to what they would be learning about this lesson. The second year moving to take a stump year Vera and Anna.

Another snuggly wrapped student. Dhruv must say that these teens certainly took care of themselves {as they should}. "Ms. Atreyu-Rehman. Good day." In some ways, Nadia reminded them of Adi. Speaking of which... the two old friends needed to set aside some time to catch up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Welcome to another DADA lesson!" Did they look thrilled to be hosting another lesson? Yes, because there was nothing they loved more than teaching. "Should you get too toasty, feel free to hang your jumpers, scarves etc on the coast rack." They indicated to the rack that had been conjured when Vera got there. Let’s dive right away by getting into our mini activity. Today we’ll be giving our attention to a nifty charm. What it does exactly is something that we’ll discuss shortly but for now, we’ll take the time to practice the incantation and wand movement.” Behind them, the white chalk moved about on its own to write:

Charm: Salvio Hexia
Pronunciation: SAL-vee-oh HEK-see-uh
Wand Movement: Downwards with palm of opposite hand held outward
Light: None {but there will be a haze/a shimmer of the air in the area at which the Charm is directed}
Dhruv moved towards the class, hands behind his back as they walked between the rows of stumps and students. “I would like for you to take a few minutes to make your notes and to practice the incantation and wand movement separately for now. Should you need my assistance, raise your hand to grab my attention.”

OOC: Annnd we’re off! Here’s our mini activity which will last for three days {until 15th June, 2023 at 11PM EST}. Dhruv and I will be around!
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